Today we had a geology fieldtrip.
We were driven to a local quarry and spend about an hour looking at this coraliferous limestone, and an hour and a half wondering what we should be writing in our fieldnotebooks.
MB: Look for boreholes in the brachiopod shells. Some of these fossils were boring creatures. Very boring creatures.
And some of them still are.
The second outcrop of this limestone was in a field, right by a children's play area.
Picture the scene: it's an average playing field, kids are on the swings, and we are staring at rocks. For your own amusement, picture all thirty-odd of us wearing our red hard hats.
Proud times for geologists everywhere.
Wednesday 11th May
Today's been a weird day.
I managed to have two naps: one at 9.30am and one in the afternoon.
This coupled with me revising silicates all afternoon made me go a little crazy.
I'd planned to do all six groups, but it turns out you can only do ortho, ino, soro and cyclo. The second you try to do phylo your head just EXPLODES.
Conversation at dinner was about genocide; for no reason I picked up a pea off Miriam's plate and threw it at her. Fairly sure I'd finally snapped.
So it was decided Miriam would come over to mine, bringing all the frubes in all the land, and we would eat frubes and start a blog.
I actuall started one on tumblr, but for one reason or another I'm back on this one I started back in March.
Um. Yes.
I'm terrified about what my scout till think of me when he empties my bin tomorrow: there are five strawberry frube wrappers in there.
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