Wednesday, 18 May 2011

In which a play is watched, and the viewers are traumatised

Today we went to watch Call of the Wild at Oxford Playhouse.

Our friend Jocasta was in it, but backstage. Which meant we did see her, dressed in black, pushing scenery out the way ... but we probably were meant to have been paying more attention to the play than to the stage manager :p

The play was amazing.


Apart from the three people who live, who are unhappy. Because they either:
  • Watched everyone who was ever nice to them die, and killed a whole tribe of Indians in revenge
  • Almost drowned in a lake, had all his dogs die, and broke a leg
  • Went to jail for five years because he kicked off the story by stealing the dog in the first place, only to discover when he got out that the girl he loved had gotten pregnant by him and then died in childbirth while he was away.

On the walk back, the Big Issue man's dog started barking. We ran for it ;)

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