Sunday, 22 May 2011

In which I display my Jew knowledge - Friday 21st May

Did you know, that Innocent Smoothies are not kosher?
That you've got to leave three hours after eating meat before you can have milk ?
But only a half hour after eating milk before you can have meat.
And if a drop of milk lands in a pot of meat by accident, you can still eat it as long as it's less than one sixtieth of the meat thing.

As you can see, I have read Miriam's Jew handbook.

Miriam, if she were to work in a restaurant, would be able to cook and serve bacon ... however she wouldn’t be able to serve a bacon cheeseburger. (Not least because she’s never touched bacon in her life and would probably get it all wrong :p)
The reason Inocent Soothie is not kosher is prrrrobably because it might have bugs in it.
Can't eat bugs !
Okay to kill bugs, squish bugs, burn bugs. But you can't then scoop them up and eat them.

That's why dates aren't kosher ... in case of BUGS.

However, Miriam threw a real curve ball at us with this one:
'There are eight varieties of grasshoppers I can eat ... but no one knows what they are ... So I just can't eat any of them.'

What a sad day for Jews everywhere, wishing to eat grasshoppers.

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