Today had had our final geology fieldtrip of this year.
Only this time .... it was a walking tour of Oxford.
So picture the scene. We're identifying cross bedding in New College walls, sitting under the Bridge of Sighs noticing differences in crystal size in the curb, identfying the cobbles around the Rad Cam.
The best was, obviously, going into the Clarenden Centre (this shopping centre) and suddenly realising the floor is absolutely COVERED in fossils !
There were ammonies and belemnites and bivalves and corals!
I'm not going to lie.
It was genuinely exciting.
I have been walking on AMMONITES the size of your fist every time I've cut through to get to Primark and haven't even noticed!
Apparently they sometimes get kicked out of the Clarendon centre on this trip. Perhaps we didn't because no one brought their hammers with them.
Sometimes when people come to visit I take them to the Oxford Natural History Museum (which is incredibly exciting, even if you do not love rocks.) But in future I'm just going to walk them round Oxford and get them to stare at the floor.
All in all, it was a very humorous trip. If not a little embarrassing.
At least they didn't make us wear our high vis jackets.
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