Wednesday, 18 May 2011

In which I have too many tutes, and then have too much wine - Friday 13th May

Today I had a horrible morning.
11.00 - 11.30 - Talk
12.00 - 1.00 - Biology
1.00 - 2.00 - Mapping Tute
2.00 - 3.00 - Maths Tute.

AAAH. Mind melt.

Then in the evening Sam came over for Formal.
I was a tiny bit worried about having him over, since whenever he gets drunk in Bournemouth he shouts loudly about how bad a college St. Anne's is. (Typical Corpus boy.)
I needn't have worried. He was well behaved and even complimented St. Anne's croutons.

The trick to getting the most wine at formal is just to DOWN your drink as soon as they pour it for you, because even though they give you two glasses, they fill up from the one you're drinking from. So if you have some left, you get less.
The other technique is to, as soon as you see the waiter coming, DOWN IT while he's stood there, laughing at you.
Roxy was good at that one.

I don't know why they call it formal, because by the end most people with wine tickets are absolutely falling about laughing. Or just literally falling about (Sami.)

Mostly what I remember is laughing an awful lot, or having people laugh an awful lot of me.
Sounds like it was a good night :)

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