Hello! How are you? You're looking well today.
Introductions are in order?
I'm Ruth, nice to meet you. Good handshake you've got there.
About me: I like making plans, I like taking photos. The rest you'll find out, I suppose.
That's me, coming out of a giant ammonite. I'm a geologist, and this picture is from when Jacqui and I went to the Natural History Museum.
It's basically holy ground. Here are some more photos!
I hope that I never get into the position where my rib cage casts a shadow on the ceiling and I have to be dusted. That'd just be embarrassing.
That's Jacqui. We like to amuse ourselves in museums.
I hope you have a Jacqui. I'm fortunate enough to have two.
Guess what - in the Natural History Museum gift shop ... YOU CAN BUY METEORITES!
You can buy little pieces of space that fell from the sky!
It genuinely boggles my mind that these things are from further away that the human mind can conceivably imagine ... and yet they cost less than the cuddly dinosaurs.
But yes, so, welcome to my blog.